hrp0084p2-169 | Adrenals | ESPE2015

References Values Under Synacthen Test for Six Steroids in Serum by LC-MS/MS

Souillot Marie , Plotton Ingrid , Rigaud Chantal , Tardy Veronique , Ruet Severine , Morel Yves

Background: The response to ACTH test (synacthen®) is a very useful for the screening of steroidogenesis enzymatic deficiency. With the development of steroid quantification by LC-MSMS more specific than most of immunoassays, the determination of reference value is required at basal and under stimulation time.Objective and hypotheses:: The aim of this study is the determination in the same extraction and chromatography after Synacthen references val...

hrp0086rfc7.2 | Gonads & DSD | ESPE2016

Reference Values for External Genitalia Size and Steroid Hormone Levels in Female Neonates

Castets Sarah , Plotton Ingrid , Nguyen Kim-An , Plaisant Franck , Prudon Malika , Laborie Sophie , Souillot Marie , Roche Sylvain , Ecochard Rene , Claris Olivier , Morel Yves , Nicolino Marc , Gay Claire-Lise

Background: Prenatal androgen exposure can lead to variable virilization of external female genitalia. The lack of a consensus definition of clitoromegaly and the limited data available on normal steroid levels in female neonates makes its diagnosis difficult.Objective and hypotheses: The aims of this study were (i) to define reference sizes for external female genitalia in term and preterm neonates as a function of gestational age and birth weight; and ...